We are excited to announce that Ziva should be bred in the fall and can't wait to share the news, Check in later in
the year.

Ziva finished her Grand Champion title quickly and has many group wins. She also has her Novice title in obedience and her
Excellent title in Rally and one title in Agility with qualifying scores in 2 other divisions as well as her Barn Hunt instinct
test and her CGN. She is a very talented girl and finished 2017 with 3rd place in Great Danes in Canada and 2nd place in
Agility for 2017. She is conformationally correct and a joy to live with.

Ziva has done conformation brace with Sugar 4 times and together they have won Best Brace in Show every time.
Ziva and Sugar have done brace obedience twice and both times they won High Class Brace Obedience.