NEWS FLASH 2012!!!

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NEWS FLASH 2012!!!
NEWS FLASH 2013!!!


Exciting news!  Sugar won Best Puppy in Group twice and Best Puppy in Show at the Prince Albert show in March 2012. Thanks to judge Neil Graves for the BPIS and BPIG and thanks to C Ringstrom for a BPIG.


Sugar  was busy in March doing some obedience work. She earned her PCD title at the Wascana Dog Obedience Club under judges Karen Graham-Banman and Carol Allinson. Thank you


We decided to do some obedience work in September along with all the conformaton shows we have been doing.  Sugar did a great job.  She qualified all four trials earing her CD with outstanding scores of 187, 192, 188 1/2, 190 1/2.  A big thank you to judges Gail Carroll and Lionel Whittaker.  Thank you to the Wascana Dog Obedience Club for putting on these trials.
At the beginning of September at the Saskatoon show Sugar also passed her CGN!


Wascana Dog Obedience Club held four rally trials in November 2012 that we decided to enter.  This was the first time for both Sugar and I to try competing in this sport.  I am excited and proud to say that Sugar obtained her RN title with a high in class. The first two trials she obtained a score of 100 under judge Cathy Newans. The second day she was a little tired but did great with scores of 93 and 86 under judge Fay Deaver.  She had a handicap of me on the 4th trial as I made two errors and the good girl that she is she just followed my instruction.  However we had a wonderful time and will do rally again in 2013!  Thank you Wascana and thank you judges!


Sugar went to the Battleford Show in April and won BPIG under judge Wayne Thompson.  Thank you!  She also got her first 4 points.  Yea Sugar!


Saskatoon show proved to be awesome for Sugar.  She came home with four Best of Winners, three Best Puppy in Group. Our thanks to judes Robert Rowbotham, Thomas Touzel and Donna Cole. Then Sunday evening she also got Best Puppy in Show with Donna Cole as judge.  She sure is making us proud!


Sugar did it again.  Thank you to Judge Letitia Bett for the Best Puppy in Show in Cold Lake Alberta!  What a great girl,  She picked up four out of six Best Puppy in Group wins at the LakeLand Show.  Thank you also to judges Don Emslie, Tim Doxtater and Denise Cornielson for the Puppy Groups!  That show ended her puppy career but it was wonderful!